This is JETT MAXWELL My son!

Maxwell Vokes - Audiologist, Musician, and Creator of Jett Stream

Hi, I am Maxwell Vokes, an audiologist with a passion for both music and improving people’s hearing experiences. As someone who has ADHD, and with my wife navigating life with ASD, I understand how challenging it can be to navigate the world of sound. The complexities of how we hear and experience the environment around us can make a huge difference in our daily lives.

That’s why I created Jett Stream, a device designed to enhance hearing in various environments. Whether you’re in a noisy room, a crowded outdoor space, or need better focus during a conversation, Jett Stream is crafted to help you hear more clearly and comfortably. This product is close to my heart because it addresses a real need that my own family and I experience every day.

I am excited to share Jett Stream with you and help improve your auditory experience in ways that matter most to you.

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