People should come with a volume control! Now they can! LIMITED NUMBER OF PREORDERS ON THE JETT STREAM

Is The Jett Stream For YOU? It has the potential to help your:


For those experiencing tinnitus, background noise can often feel overwhelming, making it difficult to focus or relax. Jett Stream by Jett Maxwell helps by optimizing environmental sounds, reducing harsh auditory distractions, and enhancing clarity. Its adaptive sound processing provides a more balanced listening experience, helping to mask unwanted ringing or buzzing sensations and promoting a more comfortable, stress-free environment.

Auditory Processing Disorder

For individuals with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), distinguishing important sounds from background noise can be challenging. Jett Stream by Jett Maxwell optimizes environmental sounds using adaptive sound processing, enhancing speech clarity while reducing distractions. By fine-tuning the auditory environment, Jett Stream helps improve focus, comprehension, and overall listening comfort in noisy or complex soundscapes.


For individuals with ADHD (like me), background noise and auditory distractions can make it difficult to concentrate and stay engaged. Jett Stream by Jett Maxwell optimizes environmental sounds using adaptive sound processing, reducing unnecessary noise while enhancing important auditory cues. By creating a more controlled and focused listening environment, Jett Stream helps improve attention, productivity, and overall sensory comfort in busy or distracting spaces.


For individuals with autism (like my wife), overwhelming background noise and unpredictable soundscapes can create stress and sensory overload. Jett Stream by Jett Maxwell helps manage these challenges by optimizing environmental sounds—reducing distractions while enhancing clarity and focus. With adaptive sound processing, it creates a more comfortable and controlled auditory experience, helping users navigate social and public spaces with greater ease and confidence.

What can the JETT STREAM do for you?

Hearing help is not JUST needed for those with hearing loss!


    Neurodivergent individuals (like myself) can benefit from noise reduction in busy environments without compromising speech clarity!


    The QUIET is the most common link to heightened tinnitus, the JETT STREAM adds amplification and therefore a distraction, quieting your tinnitus, so you can focus on those around you!

  • Normal to Mild-Moderate Hearing

    Hearing loss or not this product could suit YOU!

    I am an audiologist and have a lot of experience with hearing aids! These different devices are suitable for NO hearing loss and mild- moderate hearing loss!


Maxwell Vokes - Audiologist, Musician, and Creator of Jett Stream

Hi, I am Maxwell Vokes, an audiologist with a passion for both music and improving people’s hearing experiences. As someone who has ADHD, and with my wife navigating life with ASD, I understand how challenging it can be to navigate the world of sound. The complexities of how we hear and experience the environment around us can make a huge difference in our daily lives.

That’s why I created Jett Stream, a device designed to enhance hearing in various environments. Whether you’re in a noisy room, a crowded outdoor space, or need better focus during a conversation, Jett Stream is crafted to help you hear more clearly and comfortably. This product is close to my heart because it addresses a real need that my own family and I experience every day.

I am excited to share Jett Stream with you and help improve your auditory experience in ways that matter most to you.